Design event

People's bead

Voting Round 2 is now closed. 

Stay tuned for the winner announcement August 29, 2025. 

We hope that you are just as excited as we are!

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About the event

For the 17th time, we invite you to be part of People’s Bead.
People's Bead is one of our most exciting events where YOU can become a Trollbeads designer. People's Bead is a bead inspired by people, designed by people, and selected by people.
The winning artist will become part of the Trollbeads family of talented artists and designers. The winner will also receive his/her bead created in 18k gold!
The final winner is announced on August 29, 2025, and the winning bead is released in stores and for online purchase on September 12, 2025.

Become a designer

To become a designer, you can log in with your previous event account. If you haven't participated before, you create a new account. Then go to "My Page".  Just check the box "I want to design and vote".
Now you are ready to participate.

There are many ways to create your bead design: Craft your bead in clay or wax, sketch it on paper,  produce a design in Photoshop – whatever works best for you. Remember to show how the bead is placed on a bracelet and make sure to show where the chain goes through.

The hole is approx. 4 mm wide, and this needs to be incorporated in your design in correct proportions.  Show us your design from more than one angle. You can upload up to 5 different images of your design to help illustrating the details. 

Upload your design image(s) and tell us how you got inspired you and why this incredible design should be part of the Trollbeads collection. Keep in mind that your first uploaded image will be the one displayed in the voting phases. 

Share your design on social media 

When you have uploaded your design, it is time to show it to as many as possible. Share it on your social media accounts with a link to event site.  You have done a great work - be proud of it.

Join the jury

We are inviting YOU to be a part of the jury by selecting the winning design!

How does the voting rounds work? 

Round 1: Vote for the 24 finalists.

First, we will ask you to vote for your favorites among all the submissions and be part of selecting the top 24 designs which will become the finalists. You will be presented with two designs at a time. Choose the one you think is the most excellent. In case two designs are equally beautiful, or not your taste, just click the “I cannot decide” button. 

You will then be presented for the designs in combination with other submissions later in the voting.

You can keep on doing this for as long as you want.
The result of this round will be the 24 finalists.

Round 2: Vote for your 3 favourites.

The 24 finalist have been chosen and now you need to vote for your top 3 among the 24 finalists to help us find a winner! The bead with the most votes in total will win.

Cross your fingers – maybe your favourite will be the winning bead!


Take a trip down memory lane with us and see the previous winners of People's Bead.
See them here


Submission starts
February 3 - February 17, 2025
Voting Round 1
February 24 - March 2, 2025
Voting Round 2
March 10 - March 16, 2025
Winner announcement!
August 29, 2025
Release of winning bead in store and online
September 12, 2025