Witch Ball Tassle

Michael, USA

Having spent time living in Salem, MA, one could see the witch ball everywhere. A talisman that is known to protect against curses, and negative energy, the witch ball is a sphere of glass, with a tree-like sculture inside. Carry around this protective talisman, and be both protected, and fashionable. The witch ball hangs from  a silver witch hat atop it. The hat itself has holes on either side, to slide on your bracelet, or necklace. 


Michael, USA

My name is Michael Nylander, and I have a disability known as Strumpell Lorrain Syndrome, which makes it difficult for me to walk, and has me requiring the use of a walker. Still though, I do not let this stand in my way. I am the type of person that is always making others happy, and always reaching for my dreams, no matter what. I feel it is always important to reach for ones dreams, and to not let anything hold us back. Life is an adventure. And that adventure can be wonderful, if we always remember to reach for our dreams. 
